The Wharfedale Foundation was established in 2009 and has distributed grants totalling more than £300,000 to date.
When the Foundation was originally set up the founders were clear in their intention to support a broad range of causes tackling isolation and exclusion, integrating marginalised groups and tacking disadvantage all to pursue their aim of building stronger, more inclusive communities.
Over the ensuing years the Trustees have pursued this approach and continued to support charities with similar aims and objectives to those organisations originally funded by the founding trustees.
Furthermore, a steadfast commitment to provide unrestricted core funding has been at the forefront of the provision of grants with minimal reporting required, thus entrusting the organisations supported to continue to deliver their objectives.
With the unprecedented recent effects on society, through the pandemic and current cost of living crisis, there is a stark increase in the dependence being placed upon civil society as a source of intervention.
With the acknowledgement that there is much immediate need for financial support the Trustees have decided to act now by concentrating on the spending of the Trust’s remaining resources within a specific timeframe.
This will be achieved by providing a limited number of larger grants over the next two years to have a greater impact on the sustainability of struggling smaller grassroots organisations and projects.
Uell Kennedy, the chair of Trustees said, ‘’By adopting a spend down strategy this will focus the trustees to utilise the resources of the Foundation in a targeted way to achieve the Trust’s objectives at a time of unparalleled need.’’
The Trustees have therefore developed a strategy for the phased final distribution.